logbook loan providers

Best Logbook Loans Providers in Kenya 2021

Best Logbook Loans Providers in Kenya 2021

If you have an emergency need for money and you have run out of sources of financial aid,  Logbook loans are the perfect option. Logbook loans are some of the best when you need a quick loan based on the logbook as security. Most of the Logbook loans in Kenya are about eighty percent of the value of your car. Here are the best Logbook Loan providers in Kenya;

Mwananchi Credit

mwananchi credit logbook loan credit
Being one of the oldest credit companies, Mwananchi takes all types of cars and can process your loan as from six hours and they have a payment agreement of up to two years. The requirements are quite simple; original logbook, M-PESA and bank statements for at least 6 months, comprehensive insurance certificate for loan application. With Mwananchi, you will get your loan without getting a CRB clearance. For more details visit www.mwananchicredit.com

MOGO Kenya

Mogo finance Mogo kenya

MOGO Kenya has a very flexible repayment plan of up to 60 months. When you get a. Logbook loan from MOHO, your benefit 3 months of no interest when doing your repayment. They give you a loan of at least 80% of the car value and your loan processing is done very fast but may take up to 24 hours for approval. For more information and services check MOGO on www.mogo.co.ke

Auto Advance Logbook Loans

Auto Advance Logbook Loans

This is one of the most transparent companies and can process your loan within one hour of providing your logbook. They do not factor your CRB status and they process the funds instantly. To enquire more about Auto Advance Logbook Loans visit www.autoadvancelogbookloana.co.ke

Jijenge Credit Limited

Jijenge Credit Limited

Jijenge has a wide variety of loan amounts and repayment is up to 12 months. They have several requirements for your loan to be processed. You require the original logbook for your vehicle, KRA Pin copy, two ID copies, a passport size photo, valid comprehensive insurance cover and vehicle valuation report or renewal notice. Jijenge is known for its transparency in the process of application and transfer of funds within one hour. Check their packages at www.jijengecredit.com



FinCredit Ltd has operated between Kenya and Uganda since 2014,2016. It is a microfinance institution that offers credit to the people. They often approve loans up to 50% of the value of the car with a repayment agreement of up to one year. You will require a copy of your ID, copy of KRA pin, copy of utility bill, 3 month certified pays lips, 6-month old certified bank statements, signed chattels mortgage document and AA Kenya Car Valuation report. To get in touch with them visit www.fincredit.co.ke

Platinum Credit

Platinum Credit

Platinum credit is known for fast processing of loans at least below 24 hours. The loan varies from a minimum of 70k to 2 million with a repayment period of 3-18 months. The requirements include vehicle logbook, National ID copies, colored passport photo and a certified 3-month bank statement. Visit Platinum Credit on www.platinumcredit.co.ke for more details.

Momentum Credit

momentum credit

Momentum Credit grants a loan within 24 hours amounting to up to 60% the value of your car. The loan can go up to 2 million with an interest as low as 2%. To check more about their logbook loans, check www.momentumcredit.co.ke

Ngao Credit Ltd

Ngao credit Ltd.

Ngao credit offers you a logbook loan of up to 60% with a very flexible repayment period of about 24minths. Most of their requirements include a vehicle logbook, National ID copies, colored passport photo and a certified 3-month bank statement. The only unique things that you need to provide are postdated cheques. More details about Ngao Credit can be found on their site at www.ngaocredit.com

Citizens Credit Limited

Citizens Credit Limited

This is one of the most comprehensive credit companies who allow a single loan to be secured by more than one vehicle. The requirements include vehicle logbook, National ID copies, colored passport photo and a certified 3-month bank statement. Check more details on their loan specifics here www.citizenscredit.co.ke

Bidii Credit Limited

Bidii Credit Limited

Bidii Credit has more requirements for requests for a logbook loan which accumulates to about 60% of the value of the car. Nevertheless, they have quite a number of requirements and you can check them on their website at www.bidiicreditkenya.co.ke.

To summurize it, you can check Best Logbook Loans Providers in Kenya 2021 listed below

  1. Bidii Credit
  2. Platinum credit limited
  3. Citizens credit
  4. Ngao Credit
  5. Momentum credit
  6. Fin Credit
  7. Jijenge Credit
  8. Auto advance logbook loan
  9. mwananchi credit
  10. Mogo Credit

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