Huduma number

Five Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) about Huduma Namba

Five Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) about Huduma Namba

  • What is the huduma Namba status?
  • How do i get my huduma number card?
  • How can i get or check my huduma number online
  • Can i dispose other cards when i get my huduma number card?
  • When will huduma number cards be released?

In 2013 the government of Kenya initiated the Huduma Centers to streamline the system of offering government services to the citizens. Following this establishment, the huduma numbers registration was launched in April 2019. The citizens were required to register their biometric details to provide statistics in the intention to come up with the household count and general information on individual background. Quite a good number of Kenyans were not well informed on huduma number registration and here are some of the frequently asked questions on the same;

What is the huduma number status?

The registration of huduma numbers was closed and the processing of the first phase of registration has been going on. Once those who were registered are issued with their huduma cards, the registration for the other citizens will be open and will be done at the Chief’s offices under supervision of the assistant chiefs going forward. For those Kenyans in diaspora, they can submit their applications on the huduma number website. At the time of registration, you will be required to produce your national ID card or birth certificate for minors.

How do I get my huduma number card?

As soon as your huduma number card is ready, you will receive a SMS on the phone number you registered. After receiving the SMS, you are required to follow some guidelines to select your preferred collection point during government working hours between Monday and Friday. The huduma number card collection points are either the registration office of your sub county, the available Huduma Centers or the issuance center at Nyayo House.

How can I check or get huduma number online?

To begin your access to huduma number online services, you will be required to sign up on the huduma number portal. To sign up, visit the huduma number website and on the top left, click sign in. If you have an account already you will just login, otherwise you need to sign up which will take approximately five minutes. Once you are logged in, you can access all services and get the help you need.

Five Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) about Huduma Namba

Can I dispose other cards when I get my huduma number card?

Due to the delay of the information on how the cards would be different from the National ID, it is very crucial for you to note that the government has stated that the national ID and other cards like NHIF will continue to be used until they issue an official statement to dispose of them. The national ID and other cards will be phased out later but until then make sure you get your huduma number.

Huduma number registration

When will huduma number cards be released?

According to the ICT cabinet secretary, Joe Mucheru, the cards are going to be released gradually, beginning April 2021. The cards for those who registered in Nairobi have been released and they are expected to be collected as the process continues. If you have problems creating your portal or you need extra assistance, you can reach out to huduma number through their contact +254202227411 or email them at

You can also read about – Nssf and NHIF

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