
Vestine and Dorcas biography : Vestine and Dorcas songs

Vestine and Dorcas are female gospel artists from Rwanda. At the moment their new song “Simpagarara” is trending with more than 1.5 million views on youtube in less than 20 days. We have some little information about Vestine and Dorcas biography, their age and much more.

Vestine and Dorcas age

They are considered the youngest gospel artist in Rwanda. Dorcas is the oldest at 16 years while Vestine is just 15 years old. Their music is mature and being written by the two youngsters proves that Dorcas and Vestine are very talented.

Vestine and Dorcas real names

They both use their real names as their stage name. The second name of Vestine is Ishimwe while that of Dorcas is Kamikazi. So far they have released more than 5 powerful gospel songs which include Simpagarara and ibuye.

Vestine and Dorcas music journey

The two beautiful ladies were introduced into the world of music by Murindahabi who is a well-known promoter in Rwanda. He later signed them and recorded their first songs

Some months back their parent had a misunderstanding with Irene Murindahabi. They blamed the promoter for misusing the two girls who are said to get nothing in return.

The Duo parents said that Murindahabi is taking advantage of their age by exploiting them adding that he had never given them money despite the massive viewership in their youtube channel.

Murindahabi denied the allegation asking the parent to deal with the matter in court where the truth will be known. According to some audio that leaked, The girls were heard saying that it was not their wish to stop working with Murindahabi.

They blamed their parent for causing the breakup between them and their promoter adding that they are still willing to work with him. We would like to wish Vestine and Dorcas all the best hoping all will be well. May God bless their good work.

That is all we have for now concerning Vestine and Dorcas biography. Keep it here for more updates.

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